Monday, August 15, 2005

2005-08-14 IG Dreadnaught

Time flies when filled with work.

It has been about a month since I put in a late night of modeling. I have not however forgotten what I was doing pulling down my model every now and then to reflect on my goal and plan out my evening.

I have finally received the final part for my IG Dread Apex. I hopefully will be basing it this week and dry brushing through the weekend.

I received the right side missile launcher from Ted. I had a lot more rebuilding and cleaning up than I would have assumed reading all the praises of Forge World. First it had a huge block on the backside which I would have assumed would have been removed. I cut this piece off. I had to clean off a lot of residual lines and the bit in the pipes part. Since this is not a three part assembly like GW I did not have a lot of clean up freedom. I also noted that some of the details are different that the GW version. I will be able to model some of the parts but others I do not know and will have to see.

I have removed the missile heads and little bars that are on the front. When I had made the left side Gatling gun assembles I made the right in anticipation of replicating that weapon. I glued the laser gun barrel end into the end of the Gatling assembly. I then glued this assembly to the missile launcher.

I then attached three of the IG Sentinel toes I had in my bits box to represent the quick discharge batteries. I also attached the lower part of a IG troop Vox caster backpack.

Another complaint the part does not fit snug onto the dread joint. To attach the weapon assembly I am going to go and find some rare earth magnets.
